Chinese Medicinal Wine | 中医药酒

【Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medicinal Wine】

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a traditional medical system that is an important part of Chinese culture and widely spread and applied in East Asia. TCM is a medical system that emphasizes holistic observation and personalized treatment. It emphasizes balance and harmony, not only focusing on the symptoms of diseases but also paying attention to the overall condition of patients. TCM includes natural materials such as herbs, animal tissues, and minerals, which can be used alone or in combination to treat various diseases.

Medicinal wine is a drink made by mixing herbs, fruits, honey, alcohol, and other materials. It is widely used in TCM treatment. The history of medicinal wine can be traced back to ancient China. The technology of making and applying medicinal wine has developed differently in different historical periods and regions.

The application of medicinal wine in TCM treatment is mainly to deliver herbs and other natural materials into the body through oral administration to achieve therapeutic and regulatory effects. Medicinal wine not only improves the taste and increases appetite but also promotes drug absorption and enhances treatment efficacy. At the same time, medicinal wine can also be tailored according to different diseases and the physical condition of patients to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

It should be noted that although medicinal wine has extensive applications in TCM treatment, its use should also be moderate and not abused. Especially for people who drink excessively or are allergic to alcohol, the use of medicinal wine may have negative health effects. Therefore, when using medicinal wine for treatment, it is recommended to do so under the guidance of a TCM doctor to ensure safety and effectiveness.

【Effects of Medicinal Wine】

The effectiveness of medicinal wine varies depending on the different herbs and other natural materials used in its preparation, and the specific effects also need to be determined according to the formula and purpose of the medicinal wine. Here are some general effects that medicinal wine may have:

  1. Regulating Qi and blood: Medicinal wine can regulate blood circulation and improve the body’s condition by preparing herbs with blood circulation-promoting and meridian-warming effects, especially for some chronic disease patients.
  2. Relieving pain: Medicinal wine contains herbs with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and haemostatic effects, which can relieve pain and reduce symptoms.
  3. Boosting immunity: Medicinal wine contains some herbs with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects, which can enhance the body’s immunity and resistance.
  4. Regulating the digestive system: Medicinal wine contains some herbs with the effects of moistening intestines, promoting bowel movements, and regulating digestion, which can relieve gastrointestinal discomfort and improve digestive function.

It should be noted that although medicinal wine has certain efficacy, its use needs to be determined according to the specific condition and health status, and it is recommended to use under the guidance of a TCM doctor to ensure safety and efficacy.

【Herbs commonly used in Homemade Medicinal Wine】

The types and quantities of medicinal herbs used in the production of homemade medicinal wine depend on the purpose of the wine and personal needs. Here are some commonly used medicinal herbs:

  1. Danggui: Promotes blood circulation, relieves pain and cramps, and is particularly effective for women’s health issues.
  2. Ginseng: Boosts energy, strengthens the immune system, and can help alleviate fatigue and improve mental clarity.
  3. Gancao: Balances and harmonizes various herbs, and can help increase energy, promote digestion, and relieve spasms.
  4. Chuanxiong: Promotes blood circulation, relieves pain and cramps, and is particularly effective for menstrual pain.
  5. Red dates: Nourishes and strengthens the body, and can help improve digestion, promote spleen and stomach health, and calm the mind.
  6. Rice wine: The base alcohol for medicinal wine, it can help nourish yin and blood, strengthen the immune system, and improve digestion.

It should be noted that the production of medicinal wine requires strict selection and quality control of the herbs to ensure safety and efficacy, and the herbs need to be prepared according to a certain ratio and method to ensure that the active ingredients are fully released. When making medicinal wine, it is important to follow TCM principles and methods, and develop a recipe that is suitable for individual needs and constitution.

【Manufacturing Instructions for Homemade Medicinal Wine】

Here are the steps for making homemade medicinal wine:


High-quality medicinal herbs and rice wine.


  • Large bottle or jar
  • Strainer or cloth bag。
  • Clean bottles or wine bottles.

Manufacturing Instructions:

  1. Prepare the necessary medicinal herbs and choose the appropriate combination of herbs based on the desired effect and the nature of the herbs. Generally, it is recommended to choose 4-6 types of herbs, and the amount of each herb should not exceed one-third of the total weight of the herbs.
  2. Clean the medicinal herbs and dry them or slightly sun-dry them.
  3. Heat the rice wine to 80°C, add the medicinal herbs, and stir well.
  4. Pour the medicinal wine into a large bottle or jar and cover the lid.
  5. Place the bottle or jar in a cool and dry place, and shake it every few days to evenly distribute the active ingredients of the herbs.
  6. Generally, the medicinal wine needs to be stored for at least one month, and longer storage time can make the medicinal properties of the wine better.
  7. After the storage time is up, filter the medicinal wine using a strainer or cloth bag to remove the herb residue.
  8. Pour the medicinal wine into clean bottles or wine bottles and store them in a cool place.

It should be noted that the production of medicinal wine requires the selection and proportion control of the herbs to ensure effectiveness and safe for consumption. The use of medicinal wine requires guidance from a traditional Chinese physician and should not be used without supervision.

【Classification and Selection of Medicinal Wine】

Medicinal wine can be divided into many different types according to the properties and effectiveness of medicinal materials.

The following are some common types:

  1. Tonifying type medicated wine: suitable for people with physical weakness, fatigue, anaemia and other symptoms. Commonly used herbs include Astragalus, Codonopsis, Angelica, and Goji berry.
  2. Digestive type medicated wine: suitable for people with indigestion, loss of appetite, weak spleen and stomach, and other symptoms. Commonly used herbs include Hawthorn fruit, Fructus Amomi, Tangerine peel, and White Atractylodes.
  3. Sedative type medicated wine: suitable for people with insomnia, dreaminess, palpitation, and other symptoms. Commonly used herbs include Polygonatum, Sour Jujube Seed, Poria, and Schisandra fruit.
  4. Wind-dispelling and heat-clearing type medicated wine: suitable for people with cold, fever, and other symptoms. Commonly used herbs include Mentha, Schizonepeta, Cinnamon twig, and Chuanxiong.
  5. Diuresis and dampness-removing type medicated wine: suitable for people with dampness-heat constitution, edema and other symptoms. Commonly used herbs include Poria, Semen Plantaginis, Dianthus superbus, and Acorus tatarinowii.

When choosing the herbs, it is necessary to match them according to personal constitution and needs. Meanwhile, it is also important to pay attention to the properties and effects of different herbs to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the medicated wine. Additionally, the alcohol content of medicated wine is relatively high. Therefore, people who are allergic to alcohol or have liver disease need to choose carefully or avoid using it. It is recommended to consult a TCM doctor’s advice before using medicated wine.

【Consumption of Medicinal Wine】

The scientific drinking method of medicated wine includes the following points:

  1. The amount of intake should be moderate: The amount of medicated wine intake should be moderate, not too much or too little. Generally, the intake should not exceed 30 millilitres per time, and should not exceed 3 times a day.
  2. The timing of intake should be appropriate: The timing of medicated wine intake is also critical. Usually, it is best to take the medicated wine within half an hour before or after meals to avoid affecting postprandial digestion and absorption.
  3. The storage method should be correct: When storing medicated wine, it should be avoided from direct sunlight, high temperature, and humidity. It is best to store it in a cool and dry place to ensure that its efficacy is not affected.
  4. Do not mix with other drugs: Medicinal wine contains multiple herbal ingredients, so it should not be mixed with other drugs to avoid affecting its efficacy.
  5. Gentle intake: The taste of medicated wine may be bitter, but it should not be too strong when drinking. It is recommended to pour the medicated wine into a cup and slowly savour it, not drink it all at once.
  6. Individual differences: Everyone’s physical condition and illness are different, so the way of taking medicated wine should also vary from person to person. When choosing medicated wine and intake methods, it is best to consult the advice of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

In summary, although medicated wine has certain health benefits, it is still necessary to pay attention to the amount of intake, timing of intake, storage method, etc., to ensure the efficacy and safety of the drinkers.








  1. 调节气血:药酒可以通过配制具有活血化瘀、温通经络等功效的草药来调节气血循环,改善身体状况,特别是对于一些慢性病患者有一定的治疗效果。
  2. 缓解疼痛:药酒中含有具有镇痛、消炎、止血等功效的草药,可以缓解疼痛,减轻症状。
  3. 提高免疫力:药酒中含有一些具有抗氧化、抗炎、抗病毒等功效的草药,可以提高人体的免疫力,增强身体的抵抗力。
  4. 调节肠胃:药酒中含有一些具有润肠通便、消化调节等功效的草药,可以缓解胃肠不适,改善消化功能。




  1. 当归:活血化瘀、调经止痛,对女性疾病具有较好的疗效。
  2. 人参:益气养血,提高免疫力,对疲劳、神经衰弱等具有一定的缓解作用。
  3. 甘草:平和、调和各种草药,具有增加体力、促进消化、缓解痉挛等作用。
  4. 川芎:活血化瘀、调经止痛,对于痛经等具有较好的疗效。
  5. 红枣:滋补强壮,具有健脾益胃、养心安神等作用。
  6. 黄酒:药酒的基础酒,具有滋阴养血、增强免疫力等作用。







  • 大瓶或坛子;
  • 筛子或布袋;
  • 清洗干净的瓶子或酒瓶。


  1. 准备好所需药材,根据需要和药材的性质选择合适的药材组合。通常建议选择4-6种药材,每种药材的用量不超过总药材重量的1/3。
  2. 将药材清洗干净,晾干或略微晒干。
  3. 将黄酒热至80°C,放入药材并搅拌均匀。
  4. 将药酒倒入大瓶或坛子中,盖上盖子。
  5. 将瓶子或坛子放置在阴凉干燥处,每隔几天摇晃一次,使药材的有效成分均匀分布。
  6. 一般来说,药酒需要存放至少一个月,更长的时间能使药酒的功效更好地释放。
  7. 药酒存放时间到后,用筛子或布袋过滤,将药渣筛出。
  8. 将药酒倒入干净的瓶子或酒瓶中,放在阴凉处储存。





  1. 补益类药酒:适合体虚、疲劳、贫血等症状的人群,常用的药材包括黄芪、党参、当归、枸杞子等。
  2. 消化类药酒:适合消化不良、食欲不振、脾胃虚弱等症状的人群,常用的药材包括山楂、草果、陈皮、白术等。
  3. 安神类药酒:适合失眠、多梦、心悸等症状的人群,常用的药材包括黄精、酸枣仁、茯苓、五味子等。
  4. 疏风解表类药酒:适合感冒、风寒、发热等症状的人群,常用的药材包括薄荷、荆芥、桂枝、川芎等。
  5. 祛湿利水类药酒:适合湿热体质、水肿等症状的人群,常用的药材包括茯苓、泽泻、车前草、石菖蒲等。




  1. 饮服量要适量:饮服药酒的量要适量,不宜过多或过少。一般来说,每次饮服量不宜超过30毫升,一天不要超过3次。
  2. 饮服时间要适当:药酒的饮服时间也很关键。通常情况下,饮服药酒最好在饭前或饭后半小时内进行,以免影响饭后的消化吸收。
  3. 储存方式要正确:药酒在储存时要避免阳光直射、高温、潮湿等环境。最好储存在阴凉、干燥的地方,以保证其药效不受影响。
  4. 不要与其他药物混用:药酒中含有多种药材成分,因此不宜与其他药物混用,以免影响药效。
  5. 饮服时要温和:药酒的口感可能较为苦涩,但在饮服时也不应过于强烈。建议将药酒倒入杯中,慢慢品尝,不要一口喝完。
  6. 个人体质不同需因人而异:每个人的体质和病情都不同,因此饮服药酒的方式也应因人而异。在选择药酒和饮服方式时,最好咨询中医医师的建议,以确保其安全有效。


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